How to host a website on AWS Amplify

How to host a website on AWS Amplify

With AWS Amplify you can host your website in minutes.


1 min read

AWS Amplify helps developers build and deploy applications in minutes.

Let's get started

We are going to host a static website built with HTML & CSS on Amplify

Step 1 - Login into the console and search "Amplify"


Step 2 - Under the hosting section Click get started & Select deploy without git


Step 3 - Enter the app name Provide an environment name e.g Test, Dev Keep drag & drop selected as the method


Step 4 - Drag your website folder ๐Ÿ“ to the console and wait for it to be uploaded


Our website folder has been uploaded successfully Click save & deploy

Step 5 - Deployed! Yay! our webisite has been deployed successfully!


Click on the domain link and your website is up and running.

This is a screenshot of the test website

